Monday, October 4, 2010

Nursery reveal

After years of taking and not giving back aka reading other blogs and not having one of our own, here goes the first post!  Jon and I are beyond excited to welcome our children any day now, and we are grateful to God for this blessing.  Since we found out we were expecting, we've been busy organizing, preparing a nursery, researching baby gear, talking with experienced moms and dads, reading and generally nesting.  We have also been sleeping, going out on dates, and taking trips all over the country!  We're thrilled with the final product - our boy/girl nursery.

For full appreciation, the before - simple guest bed plus the babies' first gifts:

First progress - emptying out, deciding on layout, and Maggie knowing something is going on but still not quite sure what.  And yes, she is huge.  The quilts represent two cribs!

Messy progress - after a baby shower and choosing paint color.  We have been overwhelmed by and so grateful for the generosity of our friends and family during this time!

Oh the joys of assembling baby stuff...isn't Jon already the best daddy?!

And the nursery reveal...

 There will eventually be two cribs just like this one...

 And an updated bump (more like mountain) 34 weeks!

We are ready to meet you baby boy and baby girl...please come soon and safely!


  1. Love the post and the nursery! It turned out so cute!

  2. Love, love, LOVE that you are starting a blog! Can't wait to see pics of my niece and nephew soon! Love, Rachel

  3. Jackie!! Nursery looks great! Best wishes for a healthy delivery!

  4. Love the nursery! Love the new family pic of the four of you! Can't wait to meet the babies!
